
​​​Morgan & Franklin ​ELCA Lutherans & Methodists
together we are

Saints United​
During the time of physical distancing we cannot be the Church that we have known for many generations. Now is the time that Jesus is calling us to be the “Salt of the Earth” and the “Light of the World” as he told those that gathered to hear him give the sermon of the Mount in Mathew 5. In order to be salt and light we do not need buildings or even gather as we normally do. Here are a few ideas about how you can be salt and light in this new world.

At Home
Practice family devotions by reading the Bible and praying together each day. Here is a great free resource to get started in this time. Click Here.

Tell each other you love them and God loves them. Do it a bunch!

Surprise each other with help when things need to get done.

Give each other alone time when needed.

For Your Larger Family
Call! Call everyone. Just to say hi. Tell them that God loves them while you are on the phone.

Make cards and write letters to those who may not have a way to see your face.

Pray for them everyday.

In Your neighborhood
Take a walk for exercise and pray for the people in every house you walk by.

Wave at everybody you see, who cares if you know them.

Use sidewalk chalk to decorate you driveway, or decorate your mailbox to brighten someone’s day.

In the World
Stay at home as much as you can. This is how we can best care for our neighbors. The less we move around the less we spread Covid-19. When we stay home we are loving the world.

Find organizations that are will established and are working to care for those in the middle of this crisis. Two good ones are ELCA Disaster Response and United Methodist Committee on Relief.

Pray. Prayer moves mountains. Prayer unites us. Prayer lets us know we are not alone.